Corpus Christi Catholic Parish

110 W Lafayette Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21217
Phone: (410) 523-4161

Announcements From our pastor 2.11.24

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

     This week will begin a series of meetings which I will be attending concerning “Seek the City”.  I believe these meetings will begin to firm up what the Urban Vicariate will look like in the future.  Please pray that all who will be involved will be guided by God to make the right and most useful decisions for the entire community.  I will certainly keep you informed as these meetings take place.


Fr. Marty

Ash Wednesday – 2/14/2024

Mass will be celebrated here at Corpus Christi at 12:10 pm – ashes will be distributed during the Mass.  Then in the evening Brown Presbyterian and Memorial Episcopal will join Corpus Christi here at Corpus Christi for a joint 7:00 pm Ash Wednesday Ecumenical Service.  Ashes will be distributed at this service as well.  Pastor Andrew Connors will preach and a Tri-Church choir will provide some music.

Ash Wednesday and Lenten Fridays

Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence from meat – the Fridays of Lent are also meatless.

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