Corpus Christi Catholic Parish

110 W Lafayette Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21217
Phone: (410) 523-4161


In 2010, the Archdiocese decided that Rev. Bozzelli was needed to lead three parishes in Glen Burnie. His replacement was Rev. Martin Demek, from St. William of York parish.

Since Father Marty’s arrival the parish has seen a few more changes, primarily due to fiscal constraints. After much discernment, the Corpus Christi Community Center closed its doors in the winter of 2014 and was replaced by a revitalized food bag program and strengthened lunch program at the rectory door. In 2013, after much deliberation, and with a large measure of sadness, the parish had to discontinue its sister-parish relationship with the Maya village of Sepalau, due to violence in the area and severe communication problems. Betsy Lafferty, the parish’s second lay pastoral associate, retired in the fall of 2014 and has not yet been replaced.

Nonetheless, the parish remains a strong and vibrant part of the Church and the city of Baltimore. Corpus Christi currently counts over 250 registered families, many of whom are actively engaged in the various parish ministries. More than forty lay people assist in the weekend liturgies. Kristen Bowden, who joined the pastoral team as coordinator of faith formation in 2012, runs a successful faith formation curriculum for the parish’s children. Last but not least, a strategic planning team is currently at work to develop a new five-year plan, which will include plans for a renewed evangelization strategy, a strengthened social justice and outreach plan, and a blueprint to reinforce and broaden the faith formation program.