Corpus Christi Catholic Parish

110 W Lafayette Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21217
Phone: (410) 523-4161

Corpus Christi Garden Ministry

“To care for and cultivate all that God has given to us”

The Rebirth of the Gardens of Corpus Christi Church.

Over decades the garden areas surrounding Corpus Christi Church and Rectory have contributed to the beauty of the structures, both aesthetically and environmentally, and the neighborhood. These garden efforts have involved memorial donations, professional consultations, volunteer efforts, and grants from Festival on the Hill and Mount Royal Improvement Association. Now the rectory garden is filled with plantings from different parts of our community, past and present. With the hope of restoring the footprint of a 1982 plan for the Mount Royal facade of the church, grant money has been received.

Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake

Corpus Christi belongs to Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake (link ) and hopes to implement a plan to make environmentally wise use of water from the roofs of the buildings for our gardens.


The Corpus Christi gardens are maintained through volunteer efforts. To learn more, or become involved, contact Charleye Dyer at, or Mary Anne Wylie @