The Oratory at Corpus Christi

110 W Lafayette Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21217
Phone: (410) 523-4161


Rev. Nolan and his Corpus Christi parishioners were faced with some of the 20th century’s most trying times in this decade – World War I and the great influenza epidemic in 1917-18. During the epidemic, the number of funerals sharply rose, while baptisms fell – in part, at least, because..Read More


Rev. Starr stepped down as pastor in 1909; he remained as pastor emeritus until his death in 1921. Rev. James Nolan became Corpus Christi’s second pastor. He brought to his pastorate his skills in finance and education. Inheriting a debt of $24,000, he worked to pay it off.


The church was consecrated on January 1, 1891 by Cardinal Gibbons, in an all-day celebration, attended by many ecclesial and civic leaders. The rectory was built in 1894, giving the clergy a place to live. In addition to Rev. Starr, the parish now had an associate pastor, Rev. James Nolan,..Read More


The Archdiocese of Baltimore decided that it wanted a presence in Bolton Depot (later Bolton Hill), an area of charm and wealth, the best of city living at the time, but one which was not Catholic in 19th-century Baltimore. This presence was to be at the corner of what is..Read More